Windows App SDK Desktop App with native interop - Part 2
As the Windows App SDK moves beyond release 1.0 and begins to expand it's capability, I thought it was time to start exploring it more fully. In this post I will explore the integration of a native API into a Windows App SDK. You can learn more about Windows App SDK here: Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK Desktop App with native interop - Part 1
As the Windows App SDK moves beyond release 1.0 and begins to expand it's capability, I thought it was time to start exploring it more fully. In this post I will explore the integration of a native API into a Windows App SDK. You can learn more about Windows App SDK here: Windows App SDK
IoT Central model export/import issue
I ran into an issue on IoT Central today where I exported a model, deleted it, tried to re-import and it failed. I discovered the issue after some manual manipulation of the exported JSON and it was related to the generated @id property for the request object of a command capability.
Howto Consume Webservices With Uno
This how-to will walk you through the process of creating a multi-platform application that leverages web services. Specifically you will be:
How to Embed YouTube Videos in Markdown
I can never remember the best way to embed a video in Markdown, so here, for posterity is the information.
CustomMayd Training Videos
I have consolidated many of the training videos I have either created or participated in over the years on the CustomMayd YouTube Channel.
Convert HTML to Markdown
I came across a sweet tool for converting HTML pages to Markdown - it's not perfect, but is a good start:
Customizing the Visual Studio Code Integrated Terminal
I continually forget how to customize the integrated terminal in VSCode, so I will capture it here for posterity.
.NET Core and GPIO on the Raspberry PI - LEDs and GPIO
In the previous article, I explored installing and running .NET Core 3.0 on a Raspberry PI running Raspbian. In this article I intend to create a simple console application that will interact with the GPIO and flash an LED.
Exploring IoT on Raspberry PI 3 V2 with .NET/C#
While working on various courses for Azure IoT, I have had a bunch of experience working with C/C++ and Python on Linux and C#/UWP on Windows 10 IoT Core. However I have noticed that the Raspberry Pi isn't necessarily an ideal platform for Windows 10 Core - in fact the later models, including the Raspberry Pi 4, are not yet supported. So, if I want to explore IoT in C# on the Raspberry Pi, I need to look at .NET Core.
Data Lake Analytics - Handling Fixed Width and Padded Columns
I had the need to process some data from NOAA in Data Lake Analytics. The data is related to historical weather and I discovered that the data format is old-school - fixed field width and no delimiter style. As I have now realized, the built-in data extractors are limited to the following:
Azure IoT, Streaming Analytics, Data Lake Analytics and JSON
Switching Office 365 to Monthly Update Channel
Office 365 recently updated on my Surface Book 2 and I noticed it has a refreshed look and feel to it and I liked that a lot! I especially like what has happened to the Ribbon:
Win2D and Composition Geometry APIs
The Windows 10 April 2018 Update includes a new set of APIs in the Composition namespace that support various geometries such as lines, ellipses, rectangles and paths. However, during the insider cycle, it wasn’t possible to create arbitrary paths as there was a reliance on an implementation of IGeometrySource2D that could not be found. Fast forward until today when a new version of the Win2D package has been released – V1.22.0 and now we can make use of CanvasGeometry class to create our paths.
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